Artwork of N!Satterfield |
Miami is a great town for art and a great town for Miami artists. There is always plenty to do in the Miami artist world.
Miami Art
N!Satterfield, Miami Artist
Always showing Miami Stencil Art at N!Satterfield Studios
Arevalo Gallery presents Insight
Sept 10 through Oct 8, 2011
Arevalo Gallery presents photography exhibit "Insight", a Miami group show featuring a art works from Latin American Modern artists, preeminent contemporary artists and two emerging Miami artists - photographers.
Second Saturday of Each Month
The Wynwood Art Walks take place monthly from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m, exibiting the work of Miami artists. Food trucks, live music, and great art abound! Miami art gallery walk is free and open to the public. Miami artist galleries open their doors to the public for this Miami artist adventure. Entertainment, wine, street art and more spill onto the streets of Wynwood. The public is invited to gather and enjoy the miami artists vibrant and creative atmosphere. The Wynwood Art District extends approximately from North Miami Avenue to I95 and runs from 10th to 36th Street.
Harold Golen Gallery
Intergalactic World's Fair
Opening Night: September 10th, 2pm-11pm
Show runs: September 10th - October 1st
Harold Golen Gallery
2294 North West 2nd Ave
Miami ,Florida 33127
Wynwood Art District
MOCA-Museum of Contemporary Art
770 NE 125th St
Miami, FL 33161
(305) 893-6211
Miami Artists of today tend to use found or "recycled matials rather than buying new miami artist materials. “Modify, as Needed,” is a group show at the Museum of Contemporary Art. "Modify as Needed" includes 11 international and/or miami artists who create ingenious works of miami art using materials that you may see every day. Everyday items are edited into a work of miami art by miami artists and international artists. The miami art exhibit shows their thoughts in the areas of art, film, media, fashion, and architecture. The miami artists and international artists’ subtle reinventions investigate how we view culture as a society. Most of the show’s participants created works specifically for the project.A must see in Miami Art.
Price: $10